5 Minutes and 15 Seconds a Year

by | May 13, 2024 | 1 comment


As companies migrate from private networks to cloud services, service providers are determining how to answer demands for five nines availability.  Organizations continually add more mission critical applications and services which in turn require high availability – allowing only five minutes and 15 seconds a year when applications/services will be unavailable. This demand is not a new one and only accentuated by the impact to the business of resources that aren’t accessible. Bottom line – employees, customers, and supply chain partners are not able to access the resources they need to work, create value.

Is it possible or even reasonable to expect that a service will be available every minute of every day? Even four nines – or 52 minutes and 36 seconds per year or three nines allowing 8 hours and 46 minutes of downtime is a stretch. When you take into consideration maintenance, upgrades and uncontrollable events, achieving service level agreements (SLAs) will require significant investment and upkeep. Experts recommend that network operations take proactive steps and adopt AIOps to achieve SLAs:

  • Use of established network configuration
  • Monitoring and troubleshooting networking issues
  • Adherence to best practices
  • Automation and AI/ML to flag potential malfunctions before they disrupt service
  • Attention to software – specifically out-of-date or unpatched software
  • Test backup and disaster recovery plans

Aggressive SLAs demand that network operations detect failures before the customer experiences a service outage or complains about service degradation.

The powerful collaboration and integration between Vitria’s VIA AIOps and Cisco Network Automation provides the support required to prevent customers’ exposure to service interruptions. Automation based on analytics will optimize service levels and improve service availability. VIA AIOps and Cisco Network Automation enables network operations to:

  • Triangulate multiple alerts from the network, an application and the infrastructure indicating the same root cause problem
  • Identify root cause, key symptoms and affected population of a service-impacting issues.

Meeting availability SLAs demand automation that relies on advanced AI/ML. With VIA AIOps network operations can: 

  • Detect, triage, and mitigate negative customer impact caused by change management
  • Sustain optimal performance over time with dynamic adjustments made to performance baselines across billions of dimensions and metrics.
  • Introduce new applications, hardware, or software upgrades without risk.
  • Enable continuous innovation and deployment while limiting unintended and unexpected problems.

Cisco Service Assurance combines Cisco Network Automation with Vitria VIA AIOps to supercharge ITSM. VIA AIOps provides a burst of productivity in three ways:

  • VIA OBSERVES across multiple layers of the enterprise ecosystem. VIA ingests, enriches and structure massive amounts of real time data faster than human inspection.
  • VIA ANALYZES the data and is able to detect and correlate anomalies and alerts with the primary purpose to evaluate and prioritize actions.
  • VIA IDENTIFIES the likely cause and triggers alerts to responsible parties who confidently ACT to reinstate service or correct anomalies resulting from change or operator error

VIA AIOps for Cisco Network Automation works through the entire event pipeline from observation to analysis and action and enables intelligent automation across all layers of service delivery. VIA increases visibility, providing valuable insights – insights which will enable you to be more proactive  – even prevent service impacting incidents. Besides providing the best possible customer experience, operational costs are maintained, and staff is available to support onboarding new customers and new project implementations. 

VIA AIOps for Cisco Network Automation enables network operations to detect failures early – BEFORE the customer experiences a service outage or complains about service degradation. Boost productivity, lower cost and manage revenue leakage with a  proactive, smart solution from Vitria and Cisco!


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